Saturday, September 27, 2008

Philosophy and Cigar Friday

Friday night is apparently Cigar Night here in The 'Dad (if you can call Swisher Sweets cigars...). It was nice as we basically took time off of work (2200-2330) to sit around and bullshit.

The question on the table:

We've spent a trillion dollars in Iraq, have killed about 95% of the bad dudes and psychos, and are rebuilding the country from the ground up. Iraq, as a country, has been given an opportunity that no other country in the region has had since the League of Nations Mandates expired (and the Europeans left and simply drew borders on a map...they're good like that).

Is there any real hope that Iraq simply won't turn into a mess like the rest of the countries in the region (Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria etc...)?

Dunno. Food for thought, I guess.

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