Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good weekend

The last few days have been pretty doubt due to the fact that we get Sunday off. As I was rehasing with my friend Amanda (who spent some time here herself) I'm counting the weeks in steaks.

I generally have no idea what day it is since we're in the office all the time. Every Friday the chow hall serves steak...the only way that we know it is Friday is the fact that there is steak. I have one steak down...43 steaks to go until I get out of here.

Went for a run yesterday...probably about 3 miles. To be technical, I went hashing...though with NA beer (Lowenbrau is not too bad, Coors tastes like water that someone put their cigarette out in...). All in all it was good times and nice to meet folks that I didn't know in order to get a little mental space from the office.

Probably about 85 degrees this AM. Not too bad. I have several pictures of the area where I live ("Dodge City South"). Of course I forgot to bring my camera to the office today...ugh.

Ran into some folks yesterday that I was at CRC with...good to seem them here. Their orders were all jacked up so they had to spend a week in Kuwait...not fun. They're a mix of Human Terrain, PSYOPS and other "non-lethal effects" folks. Interesting crew. Saw one of the girls, Leslie, last night while I was reading a book and having coffee at Green Beans. Cute girl, ex-OGA of the guys that I work with has declared her "his project" for this deployment. We'll see how that goes.

Walked in Al Faw palace yesterday (forgot my camera, of course). It was built by Saddam to celebrate the "victory over Iran." Talk about a waste of money - though it is very pretty inside. Out near BIAP there is also the "Victory over America" palace (from the Gulf War) a twist of fate it is unfinished. Apparently the MWR folks give tours on Sunday. Will have to check that out at some point. Since all things come in threes...apparently Saddam also had money printed to celebrate the "Victory over the Jews" (1968 war) which can be purchased at the Hajji market. Seems to me that brother is batting about 0.000...

Missed all of the football yesterday...grumble. Luckily the Pats can't lose if they don't play...


Tyler said...

Sounds like you are settling in nicely.

I missed most of football yesterday by recovering on the couch sleeping. But the important game is tonight anyway!!

Unknown said...

You must go back to Al Faw and take a picture sitting in the big chair that Yasser Arafat gave Sadaam!! It's one of the big tourist attractions on VBC...sad, I know. Oh surf and turf Fridays! Nothing like a boiled steak and a bunch of frozen fried seafood to welcome a weekend in Baghdad!