Thursday, September 25, 2008

On to Iraq

There really isn’t much use going into great detail about the flight from Kuwait to Iraq…the entire thing was over in about 45 minutes and I slept for a large portion of the flight. The anticipated “combat landing” at BIAP (Baghdad International Airport) was a bit of a non-event…or at least didn’t live up to the billing in my mind. The sharp turns, crazy angles, and steep descent were entertaining in their own way, I suppose. Based on the sounds made by the plane it was pretty apparent that we were not on a commercial jetliner. Of course the only thing that I could think of was that I should have some of the C-17 drivers that I know get in touch with my brother to give him some tips on how to really land a plane. I’m guessing that he’d enjoy scaring the shit out of the “self-loading cargo,” er, “paying passengers.”

Getting tired of "hurry up and wait..."

Waiting to take off

In Iraq

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